CCCamp 2019 - Obri's Setup

From The Alternative Power Network
Revision as of 13:29, 8 September 2019 by Obri (talk | contribs)
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About two months before the camp i decided to replaclace the two allmost dead 95Ah lead acid batteries in my campervan with new LiFeYPO4 cells. I was able to save about 25kg of weight with this upgrade.

The only thing that was powered with diesel power during the camp was a small 16 port switch.

Upgrades/Changes/Notes for the next camp

  • The Fuji F-wave where connected to the same relays as the inverter, i had to switch the off manually each evening to save some power.
  • My android car stereo does user a lot of power when it is switched on
  • The Fuji F-wave panels did not produce a lot of power.
  • Add more sensors!
  • Install more 12V Outlets
  • Switch to Speacon connectors for 12V
  • I should replace my absorber fridge with a compressor model


  • 4 x Wattstunde WS95EFX flexible 95W Panels
  • 4 x ECS LiPro1-6 Active BMS/Balancer
  • 1 x ECS greenController 75/40 MPPT Charger
  • 1 x Schaudt WA 121545 Booster
  • 4 x Winston LiFeYPO4 160Ah
  • 1 x Victron Inverter/Charger
  • 1 x PCEngines APU2 running debian for grafana and other stuff
  • 4 x Fuji F-wave 92w flexible panels
  • 1 x Step down 400V to 12V

IMG 20190715 222115 20190716 071426 medium.jpg

WS95EFX Panels on the campvevan

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Fuji F-wave 92w on the floor

IMG 20190811 100724 20190811 120910 medium.jpg Can't find my photo from the camp

APU2 and Network Hardware

IMG 20190825 151303 20190825 151315 medium.jpg


I was using Modbus to collect some data and generate some nice graphs. I had some errors in the current measurements until i fixed it in the evening of August 24th. Screencapture-10-10-0-29-3000-d-qBcRzeOZk-pv-2019-09-08-13 16 57.png