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This kit has a microcontroller that needs some programming, ask for benadski at the HSNL tent to get yours programmed after soldering. (Hopefully the toolchain is set up on Thursday evening.)  
This kit has a microcontroller that needs some programming, ask for benadski at the HSNL tent to get yours programmed after soldering. (Hopefully the toolchain is set up on Thursday evening.)  
ExtraCrappyCode(tm); sorry for the mess, check the source of the page for a better view...
  ; ADDtimer.asm
  ; ADDtimer.asm
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     rjmp  ZZZ
     rjmp  ZZZ
     rjmp  MAIN
     rjmp  MAIN

Revision as of 12:18, 22 August 2019

At CCCamp 2019 there are a few electronic kits available for soldering, some related to our goal, some not.

But anyway, here is the info you were looking for!

Kit A: Solar powered noise maker:

This kit is a simple bleeping sound generator, it has all SMD parts except for the headphone connector and the solar panel.


The PCB and components are RoHS compatible, but you could use leaded solder too. The small point on the outline of the LEDs is the anode/positive side of the LED. If you have finished soldering the PCB and there is a bit of light it should make some noise. Place your ear near the piezo or attach stereo headphones. The LEDs only blink in bright lights. The pads on the outside of the PCB can be used as finger contacts or to solder other components to influence the sound. The (-) pad on the top side of the picture is not connected correctly, but the other (-) pad is.

Schema bliep.png

Kit B: The EMF detector / RevSniffer:


The schematic is pretty simple, but it works in a complex way. Any of the three transistors can work as an amplifier or detector. It all depends on the strength of the signal. After assembling, hold the button and point the inductor/antenna to the device you want to listen to. If there is a static or no field, you will hear some hissing noise, that's the noise generated by the electrons dancing inside the transistors. If there is a stable high frequency field, you will hear nothing, if there is some modulation, this will make all kinds of nice noises, from simple clicks to highly complex and beautiful sounds! Have fun! The provided headphones are cheap, so if you don't hear anything, try another set.

Kit C: The AD(H)D timer

This kit has a microcontroller that needs some programming, ask for benadski at the HSNL tent to get yours programmed after soldering. (Hopefully the toolchain is set up on Thursday evening.)

; ADDtimer.asm
; Created: 11/07/2019 21:43:20
; Author : Wilenzo
;                      ___
;                VCC -|*  |- GND
;     SW2 and TPI A0 -|   |- B3 POT wiper
;             TPI A1 -|   |- B2 POT V+ and buzzer
;             TPI /R -|___|- B1 SW1 and LEDs 

.def    locl  = r16
.def    stat  = r17
.def    dly1  = r18
.def    dly2  = r19
.def    dlyi  = r20
.def    loci  = r21
.def    tmrd  = r22


; Status byte 
.equ    SLP   = 0   ; Set before sleep is executed
.equ    ACP   = 1   ; Analog conversion pending
.equ    SLR   = 2   ; Sleep request
.equ    ALM   = 3   ; Alarm (beeper and LEDs)

; I/O pins or ADC channel
.equ    SW2   = 0
.equ    BTN   = 1
.equ    LED   = 1
.equ    BUZ   = 2
.equ    POTP  = 2
.equ    POTW  = 7

; Helpers
.equ    VLMON = (1<<VLM1)|(1<<VLM0)|(1<<VLMIE)

; Init
.org    $0000
rjmp    RESET_vect

.org    $0001
rjmp    INT0_vect

.org    $0006
rjmp    TIM0_CA_vect

.org    $000A
rjmp    VLM_vect

.org    $000B
rjmp    ADC_vect

;Handles button and wake function
    ; Wait for pin to get high, set pot positive high, wait a few msecs
    in    loci,     SREG
    push  loci
    sbis  PINB,     BTN
    rjmp  WAIT_PIN

    sbr   stat,     (1<<ACP)
    sbi   PORTB,    POTP

    dec   dlyi
    brne  I0SNOOZE

    ; Check if awoken from sleep, if so: reset flag and ...
    sbrs  stat,     SLP
    rjmp  NOSLEEP
    cbr   stat,     (1<<SLP)
    in    locl,     SMCR
    andi  locl,     ~(1<<SE)
    out   SMCR,     locl
    ; Code for button processing, start A/D conversion
    sbi   ADCSRA,   ADSC

    pop   loci
    out   SREG,     loci

; Timing, fires every 30 seconds
    in    loci,     SREG
    push  loci    

    ;cpi   tmrd,     0
    ;breq  REPEAT

    dec   tmrd
    brne  TIM0_END

    ldi   tmrd,     255
    sbr   stat,     (1<<ALM)

    sbis  PINA,     SW2
    rjmp  REPEAT
    rcall LED_OFF
    sbr   stat,     (1<<SLR)
    rjmp  TIM0_END

    sbr   stat,     (1<<ACP)
    sbi   PORTB,    POTP

    dec   dlyi
    brne  T0SNOOZE

    sbi   ADCSRA,   ADSC
    pop   loci
    out   SREG,     loci

; Voltage level too low? Flash LED, do nothing else
    in    loci,     SREG
    push  loci    

    sbi   DDRB,     LED

    dec   dlyi
    brne  ENDLESS
    sbrc  loci,     6
    rcall LED_ON
    dec   loci
    brne  ENDLESS
    ldi   loci,     80
    rcall LED_OFF
    rjmp  ENDLESS

    pop   loci
    out   SREG,     loci

; Conversion complete, set pot positive to 0V, process value
    in    loci,     SREG
    push  loci  
    cbi   PORTB,    POTP
    cbr   stat,     (1<<ACP)
    in    tmrd,     ADCH
    lsr   tmrd
    cpi   tmrd,     10
    brsh  MAX_VAL
    ldi   tmrd,     10
    cpi   tmrd,     120
    brlo  VAL_OK
    ldi   tmrd,     120
    pop   loci
    out   SREG,     loci

; LED on (with safe pushbutton thing)
    ldi   locl,     0
    out   EIMSK,    locl       ; INT0 off
    cbi   PORTB,    LED
    sbi   DDRB,     LED

; LED off (with safe pushbutton thing)
    cbi   DDRB,     LED
    sbi   PORTB,    LED
    ldi   locl,     (1<<INT0)
    out   EIMSK,    locl       ; INT0 (low level for waking from sleep)


    clr   stat
    ldi   locl,     low(RAMEND)
    out   SPL,      locl
    ldi   locl,     high(RAMEND)
    out   SPH,      locl

    ; Set clock speed to 128kHz
    ldi   locl,     0xD8
    out   CCP,      locl
    ldi   locl,     (1<<CLKMS0)
    out   CLKMSR,   locl
    ldi   locl,     0xD8
    out   CCP,      locl
    clr   locl
    out   CLKPSR,   locl

    ; I/O init 
    ldi   locl,     (1<<SW2)
    out   PUEA,     locl  
    ldi   locl,     (1<<BUZ)
    out   DDRB,     locl
    ldi   locl,     (1<<BTN)
    out   PUEB,     locl

    rcall LED_ON
    dec   dly1
    brne  FLASH
    rcall LED_OFF
    ; ADC setup, point mux to pot wiper enable with interrupt, left adjust and turn off digital input
    ldi   locl,     POTW
    out   ADMUX,    locl
    ldi   locl,     (1<<ADEN)|(1<<ADIE)
    out   ADCSRA,   locl
    ldi   locl,     (1<<ADLAR)
    out   ADCSRB,   locl
    ldi   locl,     (1<<POTW)
    out   DIDR0,    locl

    ; VLM setup (off for now)
    ldi   locl,     0
    out   VLMCSR,   locl

    ; Interrupts setup
    ldi   locl,     (1<<INT0)
    out   EIMSK,    locl       ; INT0 (low level for waking from sleep)
    ldi   locl,     0x60
    ldi   loci,     0xEA
    out   OCR0AH,   loci       ; Set timer compare match at 60000
    out   OCR0AL,   locl
    ldi   locl,     (1<<CS00)|(1<<CS01)|(1<<WGM02)
    out   TCCR0B,   locl       ; CLKtmr = CLKio/64 => 2000Hz
    ldi   locl,     (1<<OCIE0A)
    out   TIMSK0,   locl       ; Interrupt fires every 30 seconds.
    ; Set sleep mode to power down
    ldi   locl,     (1<<SM1)
    out   SMCR,     locl       ; (1<<SE) just before sleep instruction and clear after waking.

    ; Enable interrupts and go
    rjmp  MAIN

    cbr   stat,     (1<<SLR)
    sbr   stat,     (1<<SLP)
    in    locl,     SMCR
    ori   locl,     (1<<SE)
    out   SMCR,     locl
    rjmp  MAIN

; Check if battery voltage is OK, delay is for settling time.
    sbrc  stat,     ACP
    sbis  PORTB,    LED
    sbic  PORTB,    BUZ
    ldi   locl,     VLMON
    out   VLMCSR,   locl
    ldi   dly1,     4 
    dec   dly1
    brne  VLM_DLY
    ldi   locl,     0
    out   VLMCSR,   locl

; LED and buzzer sequence
    ldi   dly2,   5
    ;sbi   PORTB,  BUZ  piezo only
    cbi   PORTB,  BUZ
    rcall LED_ON
    ;cbi   PORTB,  BUZ  piezo only
    dec   dly1
    brne  ALARM_LOOP
    rcall LED_OFF
    sbi   PORTB,  BUZ
;    sbi   PORTB,  BUZ  piezo only
;    cbi   PORTB,  BUZ  piezo only
    dec   dly1
    brne  BLEEP
    dec   dly2
    brne  ALARM_LOOP
    cbr   stat,   (1<<ALM)
    cbi   PORTB,  BUZ

; Just wait here and check voltage from time to time
    dec   dly1
    brne  MAIN
    sbrc  stat,     ALM
    rcall ALARM
    dec   dly2
    brne  MAIN
    rcall VLM_CHECK
    sbrc  stat,     SLR
    rjmp  ZZZ
    rjmp  MAIN

Schema ADHD.png

Kit D: The Lithium cell balancer PCB

This kit is an intelligent cell balancer prototype, the microcontroller can be programmed to read out the cell voltage, discharge the cell to a certain voltage and to send a undervoltage or overvoltage signal on a bus to another PCB that controls charging and discharging of the whole pack (or single cell).

More info here!